Thursday, April 15, 2010

When thinking of baby names, are the meanings of the names important to you?

Yes. In my culture we believe that your name shapes your personality in a way, so I was careful when naming my daughter. For example, if your name means "strength" then that strength would be "woven" into your personality/character.

My family believe that if you name a child after another person that that child will bear whatever attributes (good and bad) including any illnesses from their name sake.

When thinking of baby names, are the meanings of the names important to you?
They are important to me, but not important enough to make that the only reason for choosing the name (specially if it's an ugly one! ^_^)

One of my favorite names for a girl is "Caledonia", which means "Scotland" or "From Scotland". Scotland is kind of my "dream country" - I've always wanted to go there - so the name has a special meaning to me. It also has a great nickname - "Calee"

Reply:I would not change a name on meaning alone. Primarily for me it's about the sound and any associations (e.g. Adolf reminds people of Hitler). However, if a name sounds nice AND has a nice meaning, I would prefer it to a name that sounds nice but has a horrible meaning. So I do consider meanings, but they are not my priority. I am a bit of a name nerd and hang out on baby name forums, and in my experience most people are the same as me.
Reply:i dunno maybe i meen im only young so im not thinking bout that rite now but my mum nd dad r called Kirit and Tracy so they wanted to call there first child (my big sister) kayte for like the K and the T mixed together i duno how they wanted to apell it i think they wanted to spell it like katie not kayte but i kinda like the kayte anyways they didnt call her that bcuz wen she was born they thought she was beautiful and that she suited sara so basically some ppl dont really have meanings well i personally think its cheesy but i like cheesyyy !
Reply:As with many questions in life, the answer can be found in the dialogue of the films of Quentin Tarantino. Here, a line from Pulp Fiction serves the point nicely "I'm an American, our names don't mean ****." - Butch Coolidge.

Now, taking into consideration Gweneth Paltrow's daughter "Apple," or the New Jersey baby whose parents called him "Adolf Hitler Campbell."

The name needs to mean something to you.
Reply:For me I would have to say that I like a name that flows well together and is harmonious when you say it. I do also like names with specific meanings and would try to keep the names flowing well together as well as the meaning coinciding with each other.
Reply:no some old lady i did not even know told me this really long story about how her one relatives friend was named sarah and there was a sarah in the bible that had her first child at 93 and if you're as bored as i was, i think you know the answer to your question.

i like names for how they sound

My grandma died when I was 10. She was in love with Robins. So....I'm naming my child, If a girl Robin-Delilah, in honour of my grandma, also, I told my mother, it made her cry with happiness!
Reply:The most important, esp for girls because boys are like this is my name there it is cool, but girls, we take this sort of thing seriously lol, so i want a name with a beautiful meaning for them
Reply:It would when i have children, because i would like them to know that i had chosen a specific name for them that meant something to me.

If that makes any sense.
Reply:Yes, and no. Making sure your kid doesn't get picked on and made fun of because of his name is your first priority. NEXT, you can look a bit at the meaning of the names.
Reply:They aren't extremely important but if I liked a name and found out the meaning meant.. "fat ugly cow"... or something along those lines I'd definately reconsider.
Reply:No. But, when my mother named me, the meaning meant something. The meaning is a lie to me though! I'm nothing like the meaning, I'm quite the opposite! :P
Reply:Yea ... In my openion Yes .. it does matter...

because many time the situations are quite opposite to the name... means if somebody's name is "Rich" but in actually he is so poor....

so i think name does have some meaning ...
Reply:Yes.But it is your own decision to make.There are many names that have meanings.In my opinion Edward is a great name.

Reply:Definitely! The meaning of a name is important. Try finding out the meaning of your name. It'll give you a new sense of purpose. =)
Reply:to me yes but im not trying to let it make or break my decision, i the end it depend on what me and my girl like best.

same for u
Reply:No. Not unless the meaning is too out there.

Otherwise, i just focus on the name itself.

Name meanings don't really effect anyone's life

very much.
Reply:no......................................... ...

......................thanks for the 2 points :)
Reply:Not really... I think of names which are going to be liked by the child later in life, and not going to get them teased!

I like, Ella, Lila, Lily, Ruby
Reply:I tend to concentrate on how the name sounds coming off of the tongue and whether or not it will scar a child for life.
Reply:sometimes because some people thinks your name mirrors your personality. so its quite important.
Reply:only if there were names i liked equally, i might choose by which name had the nicer meaning
Reply:Not really.

But if it was a really horrible meaning, I wouldn't use it.
Reply:Not particularly unless its an obvoius meaning
Reply:No, I just pay attention to how it sounds with the last name and if it could be made fun of.
Reply:Not at all. I've never met someone and thought, "Hmm, your name means ----." Who cares?
Reply:No, but if i did name my child, i would definatly look it up on the internet or something
Reply:not particularly
Reply:Nope. It would be cool to jokingly brag, like my name means beautiful etc.

indian blanket

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